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SEO is a great digital marketing tool for any business. In the case of law firms, it can help them increase their visibility online by ranking their website in the search engine results pages. The results are effective and stay overtime in comparison to other forms of marketing, such as paid advertising.

So, if you own a law firm in Texas and you don’t want to spend a lot of money on paid advertising, SEO is what you need. It will help your law firm website get the visitors you’re looking for and will increase the opportunities of turning those visitors into paying clients.


Why Doing SEO For Law Firm Websites?

Probably you’re wondering, “does my law firm website need SEO?”. We are going to answer this question by telling you five reasons why your law firm website should have SEO.

1. Publish relevant content

If you publish relevant content on your law firm website, you become easily discoverable, and this is an essential benefit of SEO for attorneys. If you post relevant content on your website, you are telling the search engines that you have useful information for specific users (your target audience).

By optimizing your content with SEO, your website is going to be displayed at the top of the search results page, and potential clients will visit your site. Also, if you publish recent case studies, people will find your firm more trustworthy and up to date with changes in the legal industry.

Search engine ux seo

2. Increase brand awareness and online visibility

Probably you’re wondering how you can increase your online visibility with SEO right after your content is published without paying extra money on advertising. If you post your content on social media, it will receive an initial spike in viewership. At the same time, SEO will increase your rank in SERPs. It also allows individuals to share your legal content with whoever they want that needs legal expertise.

All these practices will increase your brand awareness across individuals that may not know about your services. Besides, if you publish links from your website to external websites (social media), you create a “backlink” to your site, which directly impacts SEO.

3. Convert more qualified leads

It’s true that with SEO, you attract potential customers to your site, but this is not enough to convert them into clients. You have to include a great call to action (CTAs) on your website, such as “GIVE US A CALL,” to encourage readers to take the next step. With an SEO specialist, you can analyze what type of queries your target audience has to “answer” them with your call to action.

Let Us Help You With Your Law Firm Website

If you have read all the reasons why you need to implement SEO in your law firm website, and you are convinced that is what you need, call 12AM Agency. We are the best digital marketing agency in Texas that provides SEO services. You can count on us to take your law firm website to a whole new level.


How do we get started?

Reach out

It all starts with a phone call or email to one of our experts. Let us show you how we see the future of your business and engineer your success


Once we know your goals and where you see your business in the future we put together a plan. Essentially a step by step guide towards success.


Start seeing actual results – rank better, have better optimized processes, pass your competitors and become a digital marketing leader for your industry.

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